Your Amazing Submissions

Take a look at the highlight video from your amazing submissions to Tokstori bilong COVID-19 and browse through the full submissions below. 

For more information about Tokstori bilong COVID-19 and to find the criteria and some idea sparks to run it in your schools go here

Aiyura National High School, Eastern Highlands

Ayiura NHS Tokstori bilong Covid19.mp4

Anditale High School, Enga

Anditale_Tokstori bilong Covid19.mp4

Bacchus Marsh Grammar, Victoria

BMG Edited.mp4

Benalla P-12 College, Victoria

Bundaberg State High School, Queensland & Gumine Secondary School, Simbu (Joint Submission)

Tokstori Bilong Covid 19 Gumine Secondary and Bundaberg SHS.mp4

Cherrybrook Technology High School, News South Wales

Cherrybrook Technology High School’s submission for the “Tokstori Bilong COVID-19 – Stories of PNG and Australia” project is an artwork titled The Road Back to Normal. The artwork, made by students Tania Tabrizi and Daniel De Sacadura, portrays the road/timeline of COVID-19, both locally and nationwide. It also shows the many positives that have come out of the less-than-ideal situation. 

The main component of the artwork is the black snake-like ‘road’ that is winding through the centre of the piece. This ‘road’ acts like a timeline, and shows the steps taken to try and prevent COVID-19 from spreading, as well as the steps being taken currently to try progress back towards a semi-normal day-to-day life. The black of the path symbolizes how COVID-19 is a bad situation. However, the multicolored paths branching off it shows that good things can even come out of something bad. These colored paths house the positive impacts that COVID-19 has had on us. The colours in the background also symbolize the journey back to normal, as the stormy, deep blue ombreing into the sky blue signalizes the bettering situation. 

Gumine Secondary School, Simbu

Gumine (edited).mp4

Hurlstone Agricultural High School, New South Wales

HAHS creative responses-PNG program.pdf

Artwork by Year 9 Student, Jessica McAleer (above right).

The koi fish is a symbol of hope, prosperity and harmony amongst disorder (demonstrated by the unsettling background) and they represent positive qualities that are displayed within these challenging times. The chorus of diverse people in the background represents the network of connectedness and support throughout the community; demonstrating the newfound appreciation of each other and the simple things as a result of the coronavirus. I have utilised colour to contrast the beautiful, bright, positive colours of the koi against the seemingly rather dull community, emphasising the positive effects and reactions of COVID19 as well as displaying how COVID has caused people to see value and beauty in relationships rather than themselves. 

This artwork is inspired by my visit to Japan, more specifically Tokyo where amidst the hectic city, beautiful, peaceful, harmonic ponds full of koi fish lie; contrasting the bustling city against the peaceful, calm oasis of the koi fish. This directly correlates to COVID- 19. Through the frantic, panicky reaction of the community because of COVID- 19, peace, harmony and a stronger, more supportive community has emerged as a result of the virus forcing the community to help and support each other. This is demonstrated in the artwork through the symbolic 'graffiti' on the koi fish. ​

Artwork by Year 9 student, Suvarn Moodley (left).

Even through isolation, a struggle to a society allows its bonds to strengthen and its connections to become more meaningful. This artwork offers an amalgamation of different facial features, thus allowing its viewers to understand the uniting of various ethnic groups and races. The one face gives the perception that we are one and yet many.​

Kerevat National High School, East New Britain

Keravat - new music.mp4
Posters of Covid-19 KNHS by Belly Jones and Gabriel Bao(Gr 11).pdf
Covid19 Poem composed by H.Po'owa (2019-2020 KNHS).pdf
Kerevat NHS_COVID19 Week 1 Term II 2020.mp4

Mountain Creek State High School, Queensland

For one of their Tokstori bilong COVID-19 pieces, Mountain Creek State High School students decided to make a mural and invited all students at were asked to write down an item/object/person that helped them respond positively to COVID-19 alongside their painted hands (below). Others made a song, a poem, drawings and a presentation from community interviews.

Khoa COVID Art.pdf
Positive Effects of COVID-19.pptx

Passam National High School, East Sepik

Passam NHS_Tokstori bilong COVID-19.mp4

Port Moresby National High School, NCD

POMNATHS_Tokstori bilong COVID-19.mp4

St Gabriel's Technical Secondary School, Western Province

St Gabriel's_Tokstori covid-19.mp4

St Mary's Asitavi Secondary School, AROB

St Mary's Asitavi_Tokstori bilong Covid19.mp4

St Paul's School, Queensland

We are Australian
St Paul's School

St Saviour's College, Toowoomba (QLD)

St Saviour's College COVID19.mp4

Vanimo Secondary School, West Sepik

Vanimo Secondary_TokStori Bilong Covid-19.mp4

Wawin National High School, Morobe

Wawin NHS_Tokstori bilong COVID-19.mp4
Wawin NHS_Students Singing_Tokstori bilong COVID-19.mp4