Exploring our world gallery

Our growing gallery of Exploring our World Google Earth projects below showcase participants virtual tours of their school and local community. 

We would love to see your Exploring our World Google Earth project! Please upload it to the PASS Google Classroom via this link: https://classroom.google.com/w/OTA3MTIzNjcwMTJa/tc/NDczNzQzMjYzOTM3.  

All this unit's materials; the Google Earth User Guide, Student Workbook an Teacher Guide, along with recordings of the seminars are accessible at: https://www.pass.edu.au/2022-23-activities-projects/collaborative-school-projects/exploring-our-world.

Google Earth Projects

Port Moresby National School of Excellence (NCD)

Project Title: Papua New Guinea’s National Museum and Art Gallery

Project Description:

The project describes Papua New Guinea’s National Art and Gallery museum and takes you on a tour inside the museum. It also includes the route from Jacksons international airport to the National Art and Gallery Museum.


Educators: Ms.Motamota

Students: Serefina Pontio, Joseph Isaac, Auley Garo, Gulaga Kopi Junior,  Fransisca Leba

Link to Project: https://earth.google.com/web/@-9.43385435,147.19887364,75.25065386a,9418.09549296d,35y,-0h,0t,0r/data=MikKJwolCiExUGQ3TjFyaXA5RVlWVnNnZTZYV2VDZkZNZlRlb2ZEZjYgAToDCgEw?authuser=0

Passam National School of Excellence (East Sepik)

Project Title: Physical and Natural Features of the vicinity of Passam NSoE

Project Description:

The project is mostly about the location of certain physical structures that are within the vicinity of the school. Those physical structures include churches,  local clinic, police station and the schools (Primary and Junior High School) . Also we have the location of  the water- falls as the only natural feature.


Educators: Ms Messlyn Kiteli, Ms Debbie Saunbli, Mr Clayton Gura, Mr Asher Namui

Link to Project:


Cherrybrook Technology High School (NSW)

Project Title: Life at Cherrybrook National High School

Project Description:

We have decided to provide a glimpse of what life is like for a student at Cherrybrook Technology High School. We start with a few pictures of what our school looks like, then we provide some markers of what we get up to after school and on the weekend - the local shopping centre, sporting fields and some of the places we go walking too. We just wanted to show off our natural and built environment.


Educators: Nick Ward, Brett Clements

Students: Chase, Jasmin, Jasmine, Akshanth, Evan

Link to Project: 


St Gabriel's Technical Secondary School

Project Title: St. Gabriel’s School History

Project Description:

Our project is based on the history of our school, St. Gabriel’s Technical Secondary School. It briefly outlines the quest of the first missionaries to PNG, the transition periods leading to the present status of the school and highlights some of the main events and achievements. In addition, we inserted text, pictures, links and videos. This project portrays the inspiration we gain from all stakeholders throughout these 54 years of our school’s journey. As our school motto says, “I CAN AND I WILL.”


Team St Gabriel's PASS team + Bro. Johnson Chacko, SG, Principal, Mr. Joseph Aviemba, ICT & IT TIC, and Mr. Bugi Danaya, L & L teacher & News letter editor

Link to Project:
