FOTO Friendships gallery

Our growing gallery of Foto Friendship video diaries below provides insights into a day in the life of PASS participants, including family, school, cultures and natural environments. 

We would love to see your Foto Friendship video! Please download your compilation video from the 1 Second Everyday app and upload it to the PASS Google Classroom via this link:  

Alternatively, share your creations with us via ( or WhatsApp.

Angelayne Boisivere_Kerevat_Foto Friendships submission.mp4

By Angelayne Boisivere, Kerevat National School of Excellence, East New Britain

Gayathri Emaneni_School Pending_Foto Friendship Submission.MOV

By Gayathri Emaneni, Cherrybrook Technical High School, New South Wales

Jolam_student _Sogeri_Foto Friendships submission.mp4

By Jolam, Sogeri National School of Excellence, Central Province

Pauline Suvi_SogeriNSoE_FotoFriendship submission.mp4

By Pauline Suvi, Sogeri National School of Excellence, Central Province

Gumine_Foto Friendships submission.mp4

Gumine Secondary School, Simbu Province

St Mary's Asitavi_Foto Friendships submission.mp4

St Mary's Asitavi Secondary School, Autonomous Region of Bougainville 

Passam_Foto Friendships submission.mp4

Passam National School of Excellence, East Sepik Province

Grace_St Pauls_Foto Frienship Submission.mp4

By Grace, St Paul's Anglican School, Queensland

Harrison student_St Pauls_Foto Frienship

By Harrison, St Paul's Anglican School, Queensland

Karen Kirk_St Pauls Brisbane_Foto Friendships submission.mp4

By Karen Kirk, St Paul's Anglican School, Queensland

alutwalaharindu_3397_1867649_MashedVideo_1647205099362 (1).mp4

By Harindu Alutwala, Cherrybrook Technical High School, New South Wales

alvandisrivathsa_3678_1867787_foto friendships.mp4

By Srivathsa Alvandi, Cherrybrook Technical High School, New  South Wales


By Ailsa Assa, Cherrybrook Technical High School, New South Wales

liewzara_LATE_4357_1891591_MashedVideo (for assignment).mp4

By Zara Liew, Cherrybrook Technical High School, New South Wales

patelaum_LATE_3279_1880078_1SE - foto friendships (20220318-112210).mp4

By Aum Patel, Cherrybrook Technical High School, New South Wales


By Rohan Rebello, Cherrybrook Technical High School, New South Wales


By Kevin Huang, Cherrybrook Technical High School, New South Wales

jogkaira_3255_1865366_foto friendship.mp4

By Kaira Jog, Cherrybrook Technical High School, New South Wales


By Shanay Panicker, Cherrybrook Technical High School, New South Wales


By Yunmo Wang, Cherrybrook Technical High School, New South Wales


By Johnson Wibowo, Cherrybrook Technical High School, New South Wales


By Eric Zhang, Cherrybrook Technical High School, New South Wales

By Benjamin Hoskins, Cherrybrook Technical High School, New South Wales

Mount Hagen_Foto Friendships Submission.mp4

By Mt Hagen Secondary School, Western Highlands Province